Our Supporters

Our individual donors, corporate and government sponsors enable us to do the work we do. It is the generosity of the following people, businesses and officials that makes our programming possible.

Thank you to the following individual donors for their generous support:

Gail Addiss, John Affleck, Adele Bartlett, Jon Becker, Joann and Stan Benson, Sujata Bharani, James Bosley, Tim Brown, Joseph Bruno, Emily C. Buckley, Elizabeth Amy Cambron, Jennifer Cameron, John P. Carrol, Vern Calhoun, Ching-Hua Chen, Lonnie Cooper, Kevin Coughlin, Leslie Day, Gilbert Dejean, Carla DeVore, Jerry DeVore, Zammy Diaz, Clara Dolan, Dean M. Dolan, Cathy Downes, Diane Drescher, Elisa Dunn, Elephant Rock Foundation, Adam Elliott, Natalie Espino, Shana Farr, Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons, Elisa Gore, Regina Gradess, Claire Anne Gray, Marcy Gregory, Leon Grayson, Joseph Grochowalski, Elizabeth Haggerty, Rebecca Hall, Tom Hall, Jamie Hamilton, Steven Hansen, Billy Hart, Amelia Haywood, Delena Cambron Hardaway, George Hermann, Christopher Hickens, Sloka Iyengar, Andrea Janz, Eric Jensen, Ethan David Kent, Rebecca Klein, Edward Kneafsy, Gene Lefebvre, Roxana Lehman-Haupt, Brian Lehrer, Marcos Lopez, Tony Lopez, Gregory Marcy, Peter Marino, Patricia Martin, Susan Mathisen, James McCormick, Mary McCune, John McDermott, Edward McTiernan, David Mold, Shawn Moore, The Gates & Barbara Moss Foundation, Carole Guss Mulligan, Daniel Mulligan, Jim Mutton, Deborah Nabavian, Victoria Nahorn, James Noyes, Tom Okada, Gordon Ostrowski, Skye Pape, Allison Simms Parmiter, Janet Parmiter, Ingrid Price, Kavita Ramdas, Sharon Razor, Don Rice, Mary Richman, Elizabeth Ritter, Wend Roig, Tricia Ross, Erin Brooke Roth, Patrick Saling, Nelly Saviñon, Darlene Scheer, Sandra Alisa Schein, Anne Schlomer, Jessica Schulte, Mary Shannon, John Sheridan, Mary Sheridan, Allison Simms, Debby Simms, Matt Simms, Jon and Jeanine Simon, Sam Smith, Karin Sokolove, Jonathan Spencer, Ann Sprayregen, Jonathan Spencer, Barbara Taff, Gena Taylor, Wade Trefethen, Gina Verdi, Lucy Ogburn Weaver, Ryan Wedig, Brannan Whitehead, Greg Wilson & Kristin Price-Wilson, Bob Windbeil, Tony & Katie Wright, Alison Yu, and many anonymous but no less impactful donors!

Thank you to our community corporate sponsors:

Chamber of Commerce of Washington Heights and Inwood, ChocNYC, Columbia University, Evydent Dentistry, Grandpa’s Pizza, Inwood Farm, Josie’s Beauty Center and Spa, New York-Presbyterian Allen Hospital, New Heights Realty, Ray’s Barber Shop, Serrano Salsa, The Medical Center Neighborhood Fund, Tryon Public House, Tubby Hook Tavern, UPS Store Dyckman & Broadway, Uptown Movement, Washington Heights Inwood Business Improvement District (WHBID).

Thank you to our government supporters:

Manhattan Borough President, Mark Levine, New York State Assemblymember, Manny De Los Santos, New York State Senator, Robert Jackson, New York City Councilmember Carmen De La Rosa, New York City Council, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, New York State Council on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

National Endowment for the Arts
New York State Council on the Arts

Inwood Art Works is a 501(c)(3) not for-profit arts organization. Contributions can be made online at http://www.inwoodartworks.nyc/support/donate-now/ or addressed to: “Inwood Art Works” ∙ 97 Park Terrace West ∙ New York ∙ NY 10034.

For more information on how you get involved and support our mission contact aaron@inwoodartworks.nyc