
Check back regularly for more events in Inwood and be sure to spread the word about those you’re interested in attending. The more people we can get to these events, the more exposure local artists will get — something that’s always our goal. Unless otherwise noted, events are free.

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Film Works Alfresco presents:

Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse

August 12, 2019 @ 7:00 pm

Bring a blanket, watch a free movie, enjoy the evening!
Film Details — Animated Action Adventure in English with Spanish subtitles. (2018, USA).
Run Time — 117 minutes

After a bite from a radioactive spider, Miles Morales becomes the one and only Spider-Man.  When a dimensional gateway opens up, Miles soon realizes he isn’t the only spider superhero as he meets many different versions of Spider-man from other universes, including the original Peter Parker.

Pre-show performance of Comic Book – Live! by Jenny Hann and Christina Stone at 7:00pm.  Join professional puppeteers, Christina Stone and Jenny Hann on a hero’s journey of epic proportion, with dynamic visual storytelling using both cantastoria and a crankie.


Gaelic Field, Inwood Hill Park
New York, NY + Google Map