
Check back regularly for more events in Inwood and be sure to spread the word about those you’re interested in attending. The more people we can get to these events, the more exposure local artists will get — something that’s always our goal. Unless otherwise noted, events are free.

  • This event has passed but will not be forgotten!
Art Works presents:

Culture Hub — Uptown Artist & Merchant Meet-Up

June 13, 2018 @ 7:00 pm

Uptown Artist Meet-Up

Come network with fellow uptown artists and proprietors of local venues, meet new collaborators, and check out Culture Hub’s amazing gallery of local artist’s work. Plus, register with the NMAC artist database! Food and Drink sponsored by Northern Manhattan Arts and Culture (NMAC).


Culture Hub
440 W. 202nd Street, New York, NY 10034 + Google Map