
Check back regularly for more events in Inwood and be sure to spread the word about those you’re interested in attending. The more people we can get to these events, the more exposure local artists will get — something that’s always our goal. Unless otherwise noted, events are free.

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Stage Works presents:

Culture Hub — Stage Combat Workshop

June 19, 2018 @ 6:00 pm

$35 per person. Class is limited to 30 people Get Tickets
Stage Combat Workshop

SAFD-certified fight director/stunt coordinator Ray A. Rodriguez (resident fight director Inwood Shakespeare Festival/Moosehall Theater), will be teaching a 4-hour workshop on fighting styles in an entirely different environment. Culture Hub has many levels to explore! We will play with found objects, weapons (swords, knives, staves & firearms) then create a n entire sequence of events in the confines of the space. No previous experience necessary. This will be an exploration of stage combat movement using all genres of styles. We will video all the sequences that night to review technique.. Come and join the fun! The class is limited to 30 people and registration is required (see ticket link below)


Culture Hub
440 W. 202nd Street, New York, NY 10034 + Google Map