
Check back regularly for more events in Inwood and be sure to spread the word about those you’re interested in attending. The more people we can get to these events, the more exposure local artists will get — something that’s always our goal. Unless otherwise noted, events are free.

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Stage Works presents:

Culture Hub — Illumination Rounds play reading

June 10, 2018 @ 7:00 pm

Illumination Rounds

A cast reading of Illumination Rounds, a play by Josh Liveright. Set in a totalitarian state during the final days of civil war, a cynical and opportunistic journalist finds himself trapped in an abandoned apartment with a young female sniper on a fatal mission. As the world explodes outside, the two attempt to move beyond their deep seated fears and prejudices by revealing the circumstances that brought them to this point (reading time about 90 minutes with no intermission).


Culture Hub
440 W. 202nd Street, New York, NY 10034 + Google Map